Monday, January 18, 2010

01-18-2010 - Week 2

Start of week two. My legs were a little achy over the weekend but nothing too bad and the two day off really help. The kids and wife were off today so i got started a little earlier, about 8:30am and it was about 30 degrees. I have mentioned how much i hate running in the cold. I feel like an old car because it take me so long to warm up. I started to feel strong running this morning and my breathing wasn't as labored. I made it half way with out walking, just stopped once to catch my breath. I felt like I was running a lot more on the way home too, i did still have some walking but not that much. I even managed a sprint the block before my finish. So i was surprised when my time was the same as Friday. I guess i was just slower today maybe that's why my breathing was better. i might need to get a better stopwatch, right now i'm using my blackberry which is in my pocket and hard to get to while running. Hopefully one of those stopwatch/heart monitors will be on Woot soon.
My recover time was much better today but I'll need to stretch more before an after next time i find my legs are getting tight.
I've double my Glucosamine & Chondroitin Sulfate to help my knees and ankles cope with the new stress and started to take some amino acids to help build and maintain muscle. I also use "Flexpower(r)" as a recovery cream, it's awesome.

2.33 miles in 24.40 minutes about 10.34 pace
(goal - to get my pace under 10minutes/mile on friday)


  1. If you have an iPod, you might want to try the Nike +. I really like it as far as measuring time and distance.

  2. I have a blackberry and have been looking for a good "free" app but might just by one. I use to log everything and they have a blackberry app if you pay for premium membership.
