Friday, January 15, 2010

One week done

Made it trough my first week and third day of "training". It was a little colder outside today then I've had so far this week, about 30 when i left which made it a little more difficult to catch my breath. The first half mile was pretty easy. The next half was a bit harder but i managed it with out walking. The next half mile was tough and there is still alot of ice in the roads on this part so i would run the blocks and walk the streets. I pretty much did that for the rest of my run and still made it home with cutting another almost minute off my time. I have noticed that although i come home exhausted my recovery time seems to be getting quicker. I'm looking forward to taking the next two days off and really let my body rest. My legs are really "sore", well not sore but more well used, but lucky my knees are ok.

so far I've shaved about 1.42 off my total time or about .44 off my pace.

2.33 miles at 24.56 minutes about a 10.41 minute/mile pace

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