Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Day 5

Weather: Cloudy and about 30 degrees.
Sometime I think it's harder for me to "blog" about running then actually run.
I wasn't feeling too bad this morning I've started doing about 10 minutes of stretching and some jumping-jacks before my run to help loosen and warm up my muscles.  I can really start to feel my body adjust to running.  My first half-mile was easy.  The second half and change wasn't too hard either and I was able to complete half my run without stopping.  My breathing was defiantly much less labored and if i did get winded i was able to recover much more quickly.  Luckily we had some warmer weather the last two day and a lot of the ice that would cause me to walk had melted.  Heading back was still hard but i really tried to push myself and only walk when i really had too, which wasn't too often.  I'm really looking forward too being able to run the whole thing and at the rate I'm going it should be before the end of the month.  Once i can do the 2.33 miles non-stop I will start increasing my distance and add an extra run day.
Although my joints seem to be holding up pretty well it seems my shin muscles are really taking a beating.  It doesn't seem like shin-splints yet just sore muscles hopefully tomorrow's rest will help.

2.33 miles at 24.27minutes at about  a 10.28 average pace.  So 10 minute pace might have been too aggressive for this week but next Friday i'm sure i can make it.

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