Monday, January 11, 2010

First run 01-11-2010

Well today is my first day of training for the marathon. I set my alarm for 6am, because aren't you supposed to wake up early to run? And it was very dark outside, the sun wasn't even trying to get up so neither did I. I crawled back in bed and got up at my normal time at 7:30 am planning on getting out there at 9am, it's a little brighter at that time of the day.

9am ready to go - my tunes playing on my Storm, got my makeshift running clothes on, sweats, a fleece jacket and my wife's WiiFit controller belt to hold my Blackberry (next time remember gloves). I was only going to do a mile today just to see how it went but as I approached the half-mile mark I felt really good so i continued. I made it to the mile mark and was starting to feel it but at this point the half way point on my easy 2.3 out and back wasn't far so I figured I'd press on. I went down hill from there but I mixed in some walking and that helped. The way back was much harder but I ran the blocks and walked the intersections because they were icy, or at least that's what I'm telling myself, and made it back home.

2.33 miles in 26.23 minutes, about 11.19 per mile...not bad for my first day.

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