Saturday, February 27, 2010

5 Miles ...go ME

Wow i' m really far behind with this.
Well I've been keeping up the running, not so much with the blogging, and doing pretty well.
On 2/17 I ran about 3.7 miles at about 43 minutes this was my second time doing this distance but it wasn't too hard.  I did have to take a few minute walk in the middle but still managed to finish.

02/18 was 3.1 in about 37 minutes i was actually about to do this whole run without a walk break.  I think I might be able to do this 5k in march.  This was Thursday because it was supposed to snow friday but it was snowing Thursday morning too.

02/20 Treadmill day - ran for about 23minutes at 6mph, one one minute break and 45 second interval sprints at 7.0 during the last 3 minutes

02/22 about 3.66 in 47.05 there was an update to my GPS software and it seems to be more accurate.  Had a good run, the pace is a little slow but i didn't need any breaks at this speed.

02/23 about 3.1 in 35.45 ran this shorter distance at a faster pace but then i required a walk at the half way point.  I am going to start using Monday, Thursday and Saturdays and my distance days and let tuesday and fridays be other type of workouts, speeds, hills etc..

02/25 about 4.38 in 56.20 Keeping my pace at 4.7 mph i was able to run/jong this distance without walking.

02/27 about 4.94 (almost 5) in about 1 hour  well i thought it was going to be 5 miles but it was just a bit shy.  I managed to pick up the pace to 4.8 and still finished with out a walk break.

I think i could be ready for the 5k in march it's about 2 weeks away and i know i'll finish without a walk break just how long will it take me.   I know i shouldn't care but i do.  I know i won't come close to winning (this year) but i really don't want to be last.  I've been hitting 3.12 miles in about 36 minutes which isn't too bad for someone who started running about a month and a half ago.

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