Friday, February 12, 2010


Felt like crap this morning but you just gotta run, actually i felt much better by the time to run.  I added another half mile today, on top of the quarter added Wednesday and yes another hill.  I had another good run although i'm added distance and hills i feel myself getting stronger and a better at running.  This run did take a bit more out of me it really is a lot of hills and a long one at the end, i think next week i'll reverse it at least once to see if thats any better.
My ankle was getting a bit sore today, not really my ankle but more my achilles tendon.  I've had this before and it's from my slight flat footednees and pronation, I guess this mean I'll need to get new supports and or better running shoes soon.

3.65 miles in 44.47 = 12.15 pace