Monday, February 1, 2010

Day 11 - 02/01/2010

It was cold today, about 20 degrees when i started so i added a hat to my apperal.  It really made a big difference in keeping me warm.

I did the 2.81 again today.  I was thinking i wanted to get through it with out stopping but now I'm not sure if that's the right course of action.  I need to read some more but i think I'll keep working on my distance and not worry so much about my pace.  There's a 5k in March I'm thinking about doing and I'd like to a) finish it without walking and b) finish it in less the 30 minutes.  To do this I'll need to get my distance longer and my pace slower.  I'm thinking about adding at least one more day to my running.  I'd like to get to 5 days but i want to do it slowly to prevent injuries.  Since my son has swim lessons on Saturdays i might take that as a cross-training day and use their elliptical or maybe a sprint day on the tread mill.

2.81 miles in 33.29 = 11.52 pace

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