Friday, February 5, 2010

Day 13 - 02/05/2010

Still fighting this cold and it's still in my head so running was a go.  I did my regular 2.8 but felt much stronger today.  I even skipped my first one minute break, although it doesn't show in my time :( , but over all it was a good strong run i feel like I'm getting more stamina.  I think I'm ready to add another day, which works out, as i mentioned my son has swim lessons tomorrow and they have a treadmill or elliptical i can use so for now i'll make that my extra day.  Since his lesson is about 45 minutes i'll just run or elip for that whole time, work on my endurance.
I think i might be a runner because I'm already trying to figure out when and where I'm going to run on our summer trip to Vegas...

2.8 miles at 33.36 = 11.57 pace  ( my pace has remained consistent in the high 11:50's or low 12:00's, i guess i found my stride not i need to work on distance)

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